Your San Antonio Small Business Attorney
Daniel Burke isn’t your average attorney. He’s not the stereotypical lawyer depicted on Breaking Bad or How to Get Away with Murder, who’ll do anything to make a buck. He’s not going to chase your ambulance when you’ve been in an accident, and he’s definitely not going to shout at you and flail his arms while his phone number scrolls across the bottom of your television screen.
That just isn’t Dan.
For the last 19 years, Daniel spent his time helping San Antonio small businesses and real estate investors achieve their dreams. “An attorney is a small business,” said Burke. “That’s why I take real pride in helping my clients grow. We’re all on the same team.”
Dan has experience working with large companies but quickly found his calling helping small businesses improve their processes, grow and thrive. He now enjoys providing San Antonio with personal and affordable legal services.
It’s easy to get in touch with one of San Antonio’s leading small business attorneys. Simply call or fill out the online form to schedule your FREE consultation.